Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Bright, Sunshiny Day

Day 2 in Reno is almost done and was awesome. Woke up leisurely at 7:30, had some oatmeal with berries and then headed to the workout room. Yes... I actually exercised and it felt good! It was pretty short and sweet, because we had to get ready to go the clinic for Shauna's exit appointment with the doctor.

The weather has been so beautiful. I can't tell you how great it is to see the blue sky and sunshine. Changes my whole mood. What a great break from the dreary clouds and rain.

Shauna's visit to the clinic went really well. Still haven't gotten the test back from Germany yet, but the doctor was so optimistic and encouraging. 

We hit Whole Foods to get stuff for dinner and went back to the condo. Then we went to see the movie Juno... what a great flick. I really enjoyed it! Can't wait to see it again with Jim. Definitely a few songs from the soundtrack that I want to get for my iPod.

We had a really yummy dinner... made organic black bean beef "tacos" with romaine lettuce leaves. Really yummy and pretty darn healthy with all the veggies we added. Now we have been chatting on the phone with our families and having a cup of tea. I stayed up way too late last night, so I will be hitting the hay earlier tonight.

Looking forward to another great day tomorrow. Just feels so good watching Shauna taking such good care of herself. So proud of her.

Memo update: she is doing lots better.... a little cranky about her food amounts being lower but she seems fine. She and Nat had a great lesson today. Sounds like Jim and Nat are surviving too... sure do miss them.


Team Immel said...

thanks for taking good care of me! it's been fun! hope the next few days don't go too fast!

Jean said...

Glad you are having a great time there and glad to hear Shauna is doing well!
Hugs to you both. Hope Memo is better!!
Have a cup of tea for me!!