Thursday, January 17, 2008

So Excited!

Have to brag about my girl... can't help that I am a proud momma.

Natalie's sculpture teacher at school had her enter a piece of her artwork in a regional Scholastic art contest. It will be on display tonight at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in Northwest Portland.

It is a Converse high top tennis shoe made of cardboard, paper tape, paper mache, gesso and acrylic paint. I cannot wait to see it!!

This is a big accomplishment for Natalie as sculpture has been a challenge for her this semester. She works so hard, and always pushes herself with demanding projects. I've never known her to take the easy road and usually that pays off.

It will be a crazy night to get downtown after riding lessons, but I just know it will be worth it!

I will let you know how the show goes tonight and post a photo.


My name is Shanna said...

Whoa! You are so sweet! I feel so special. Thank you for the birthday wishes. My day was made even better because of them.

Thank you for your love and friendship and for welcoming me into your home. I felt so at peace with you and your family.

Big hugs, girl!

Laura Nicholas said...

Oh congrats - Nat!!!! I can't wait to see your sculpture! You go-proud momma! Shout it from the rooftops.


Team Immel said...

i'm so excited too and am dying to hear how it went and hopefully jim took photos!!! i bet it sounds so totally cool!!! can't wait to see it!


Jean said...

so cool! Congrats to Natalie!!!!
You definately deserve bragging rights. Cant wait to hear about it!