Monday, January 21, 2008


We are having a cold snap here in Oregon... don't get me wrong... it is not Minnesota cold or anything. Oh man does that bring back some memories!! Talk about cold! I'll take a high of 33 degrees over 20 below any day!

But for Oregon it is dang cold. My poor Memo girl... I hope she has all three blankets on and is hiding in the back corner of her stall and slurping up her nice warm water.

Natalie has the day off of school for Martin Luther King Day. She told her trainers that she would like to help them at the barn today. She will ride Memo, then help tack and untack horses all day. She has her eye on a new pony at the barn and hopes to exercise him for Janice too :) She will be an ice cube when she is done!!

Meanwhile, I will be at home working in my nice warm and cozy house :)

Stay warm, ya'll.

1 comment:

Laura Nicholas said...

it is so cold today!!!! stay warm Nat - hope you have your long johns on....

New pony... ay?
