Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Shauna Update

Just wanted you all to know that Shauna made it to Reno safe and sound. Dave flew down with her, and comes home tonight. Dave's stepmom will be there until Sunday.

She checked into the clinic yesterday and met with the doctor for about an hour. They were blown away by the amount of medical records that Shauna has! Will take them awhile to process all of that! When I took her to the main Kaiser office to pick them up, I joked that it was a good thing that I have a station wagon to load them all up ;)

They started a special IV therapy (not chemo yet) yesterday, and she will do that every weekday while she is there. She said she smelled onion and garlic coming out of her pores! They also gave her some supplements to take.

Today she is meeting with the homeopathic doctor, and she is also having a special test that will be sent back to Germany. We are hoping the test results will give her some much needed answers as to the origin of her cancer. She will also learn more about the special diet that they want her to do... she said it sounded similar to the anti-inflammatory diet that she was doing here.

The doctor is giving them a 10% discount, so that is a huge relief as this is all out-of-pocket expense.

Overall, she was very tired and trying to process all that is happening. She sounded positive about the experience though. They have a two bedroom timeshare condo, which sounds really nice (provided by Dave's mom and step-dad). She talked to her kids last night and told them she was homesick already. Spencer and Kaelin responded that they were "momsick".

I'm hoping these three weeks will give her lots of hope, as well as the time she needs to take care of herself and get plenty of sleep. I will be down there February 5-9, and will be bringing her home. Her friend, Shanna, will be there before my visit so that is a blessing.

Please email me if you would like her address in Reno to send cards, etc.

1 comment:

Team Immel said...

you are so sweet to update everyone and call and check in on me. thank you!!! miss you terribly and think about you all the time. look forward to your visit!
