Friday, January 18, 2008

I Goofed Up!!

So we rushed out the door to go downtown last night... lots of traffic, hard to find parking, science project due the next day... crazy.

We get down there and couldn't find Nat's sculpture anywhere! It was so crowded so I thought I should ask where it might be. It was my understanding that all of the artwork would be there last night, and the winning artwork would stay on display for a couple of weeks. The other artwork would go home after the art show.

Well... I was wrong. I'm hanging my head in shame. I should have emailed her teacher or gotten more details somehow. Just the winning entries were displayed.

The worst part is that I still haven't seen her artwork!! I was really looking forward to that. I could care less if Nat wins an award... I'm just proud as heck that she has come so far this semester in something that is such a challenge for her.

Shauna just reminded me that this is the little stuff... I just have to let it go and not be so hard on myself. Easier said than done, but I will give it a shot.

I'll still post a pic of the shoe when she brings it home :)


Laura Nicholas said...

oh you silly momma! we just get so proud of our kids, don't we? those little details just get in the way. no matter what though - congrats to Nat! Especially since she has been having a hard time with that class. What an amazing kid!


Team Immel said...

can't wait to see her sculpture! i'm sorry last night didn't work out. go easy on yourself. i do maddening stuff like that all of the time! but don't beat yourself up. give yourself a pat on the back for being such a stellar momma!!! and for raising such a talented young lady!!!