Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Nat snagged a 35 pound pumpkin at the patch this year! That is our rule... you have to be able to carry it! My goodness, she is so grown up these days. She carved it last night... with a pi symbol ... pumpkin pi... get it? Such the math geek ;)

Today we slept in... another in-service day for the teachers. I will take Nat to the barn so she can have some quality time there. Tonight she has a party with school friends. Jim and I are on our own to hand out candy.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family of Jim's college friend Jason today. He lost his wife to a heart attack on Wednesday. They have three boys between the ages of 8 and 12. It is just so tragic and wrong. 

Please treasure each and every day and make the most of it. You just never know. I have made a vow to walk again as much as I can (Jim and I walked last night), and I am on a mission to get rid of clutter in my house and life. I just can't keep putting things off. 

Happy Halloween to you all!!


Jean said...

That pumkin is huge!!! She is so cute carrying it!
So sorry for the loss of your friend's wife. How tragic.
Enjoy your night and good luck with the walking!

Team Immel said...

do you have a photo of the pumpkin carved? how clever is that?

i'm so sorry for your loss and will hold the family in my heart.

you go girl on working out this am. sorry i sent you the crazy woman text and bailed on you. fun to meet for coffee though!

can't wait for tomorrow!

Angie said...

that is one big pumpkin!