Thursday, October 2, 2008

Crazy Morning Already

Jim was up at 4:30AM to get ready for his 6:00AM flight to Santa Clara for work. Elise has been borrowing my car (long story) so she came and took Jim to the airport. Very nice of her. Would have been hard for him to take his motorcycle... especially now that it is raining.

After Jim left, I kept having dreams that I was already up! So weird! Luckily the alarm went off and I came to my senses. Got Nat going for school and we were off... to sit in traffic! There was a traffic light out on our route... cars backed up forever! Just barely got Nat to school in time... literally with 2 or 3 minutes to spare. Hate that!

Poor Nat is still frantically trying to get caught up after missing a week of school. Tonight she has a 3-5 page research paper to do for science. From start to finish. Elise will have to ride Memo today, I guess. 

Jim will be home tonight. I will pick him up from the airport around 5:15. What a long day for him. Love that Intel has the shuttle right out the Hillsboro airport though. Makes life so much easier than flying out of PDX.

We are looking forward to a fairly quiet weekend. Sam and Tawnee will come down from Gig Harbor on Saturday morning. I told her that we were planning on sleeping in, and that Nat has lots of homework. She was fine with just vegging around the house for the weekend so that is good. 

I'm having a second cup of tea... hoping that helps to wake me up so I can get going with my day. Still so much to do around here. I'm still unpacking! Ugh... will it ever end??!! I got distracted with some work stuff... had an order, did a catalog for people who do not like to order on the internet, and got one last ad done for the holidays. Now I am looking forward to LOTS of holiday orders :) Pretty please!!

Can't wait to have coffee with my bud, Robanne, tomorrow. Then we will head to the barn after school to see Memo. She is getting evaluated by our vet to make sure that little crash didn't mess up her last chiropractic treatment (oh more vet bills... keeping fingers crossed!!).

Tea is done... off to continue my crazy day. Toodles!!


Jean said...

aww, I hate days that start off like that! hope the tea helped! Enjoy your visit and your weekend. Hope Natalie gets caught up with her work..

ali said...

Definitely a crazy day for you! Yikes! I love that I can picture you driving around in your car, and see you having coffee in your house! I love it! I hope your day today is much better and less crazy!!! TGIF! Hugs!

Team Immel said...

oh the crazy life you lead....

wouldn't change it though, would you?
