Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sunday Ramblings

Had too much wine with dinner... feels so good unwind after such a crazy but fabulous weekend! This could end up being a very interesting post ;)

Had the BEST time with my dear friend Shannon and her husband Alan on Friday and Saturday. She is just one of the most fun people ever, and I am so blessed to have her in my life. On Friday, we had lunch together and then went to the Rose Garden and Japanese Gardens (if you have never been in the fall it is a MUST see!!). They also came over for dinner on Friday night... great conversation and lots of laughs! So fun to revisit the good old days of college and sorority life!

On Saturday, we went to Portland's famous Saturday Market (so great for people watching and eclectic handmade crafts). Had a fab lunch at Besaw's Cafe in NW Portland, then headed out to the Columbia River Gorge. Once again, the most spectacular fall foliage you can imagine. Stunning! We had such a fun day, and it was so sad to say good-bye to them.

Today, we had lunch with some more old friends! Our dear neighbors from when we lived in Minnesota, the Myhre's, are staying with my parents for a week. They came up to the barn with us to meet Memo, then I drove them downtown Portland so they could see some sights. It was so wonderful to get caught up with them again. If only I could see their daughters, Lisa and Stacey, too! Definitely need to plan a trip to Minnesota again :) Bumming that I forgot my camera!!

I'm in denial that tomorrow is Monday. Hopefully we can find some clothes to wear... I need to do laundry desperately!! 

Thanks so much for your concern for Memo. She is doing great, and was back to her sassy self today :) Such the drama queen she is!!

I will leave you with a pic of my little ninja.... this is Nat's choice for her Halloween costume this year. She will be off with her friends this Halloween night, leaving us to hand out treats on our own. I will try to see if I have a pic of Jim with his Halloween costume that he picked up at Saturday Market. He will surely scare off the kiddos... lol.


Team Immel said...

love the costumes and so glad you got so much socializing with friends packed into one weekend!

great photos. you all look so happy and healthy!!!

miss you!

Jean said...

Sounds like you had a great weekend! Glad you catch up with old friends. Love all the pics! Nat looks so cute and Jim...scarrry!LOL
Happy Monday!!