I'm sitting in the waiting room at the VW dealership. Wait a minute... wasn't I just here? Why, yes, I was. And I wrote them a darn big check too. Ugh.
Hopefully this will be an easy fix though. I have a headlight out. Jim tried to replace the bulb this weekend, but that was not the solution. Nothing is ever easy. Ever.
At least I have a comfy chair and free wifi. Whew. And it is postponing my trip to the allergist to get shots. That is a positive.
Our weekend was pony club mania. I survived the meeting in Eugene... but just barely. Had another meeting on Sunday but that went really well. It ran long though, so no time for our fall pics. Maybe next weekend... if the weather cooperates.
This morning is cold and foggy. I'd much rather be home with a hot cup of tea.
We are off to the barn after school for another lesson. Memo was in a MOOD yesterday! Haven't seen her like that for a long time. She was a PAIN and kept trying to rear up. Scares the crap out of me when she does that. Hopefully today will be better. Elise ended up getting on her to give her an attitude adjustment. It took awhile, but she finally started to cooperate. I wonder if the cold, windy, rainy weather put her in a mood? Hmmm.
Nat has a short week of school... off on Thursday and Friday for conferences. I cannot wait to have some down time, and I'm sure she is looking forward to that as well. We have been going way too hard lately.
Tomorrow I am going to have lunch with Jim at Intel. We are meeting with the benefits folks about our health insurance, etc. Time for open enrollment and we want to check our options and double check some stuff.
Yesterday I had lunch with my friend, Kimberly, at the cafe at the Oregon College of Arts & Crafts. Such a good place to eat... everything is homemade and yummy! So good to get caught up with Kim... it had been way too long. She always makes me laugh :)
Guess I will take advantage of my waiting room time and surf the net! Have to admit it is nice to have time to kill. That doesn't happen very often.