Thursday, April 24, 2008

On the home stretch?

I woke up at 6:09am and it was light out! Kinda surprised me. I was afraid that I had overslept! The good thing is that it made me realize that we are on the home stretch to finish up the school year. Bring on the long days of summer... especially when it feels so much like winter here.

Oregon summers are the best. Usually not too hot... and the days are soooo long! It stays light until 9:30-10:00 at night! I am so ready.

Things have improved here. I haven't dropped anything lately ;)

Natalie was invited to represent her school in the district science fair. It just cracks me up that she goes to an art school and her favorite classes are science and math. I think they are finally teaching things to her in a way that is fun for her. And don't get me wrong... she loves all of the art classes too. She has photography this semester and she rocks! Definitely takes after her dad, and loves all the techie details of it. Yesterday, she needed some motion pics so she and Elise set up a free jump session for Memo. Really cool! Can't wait to see the pics. She also has drawing and has an "A" in that class... from the teacher that does not give "A"'s!! I love her school, and I am so proud of her.

I just got the results from my last dr. visit. My mammogram came back okay, and my blood work is all normal. My cholesterol has dropped almost 50 pts. since last time I had it done (almost 2 years ago). I'm guessing all this walking and healthy eating are paying off. Go me. If only I could get rid of that last 10 pounds now. Just can't stay away from the cheese and chocolate all the time ;)

Off for a walk, and then coffee with my friend Darcie. I'm sure we will head to the barn after school too.  Have a good day everyone!!


Team Immel said...

Glad you went and walked, even without your lame, pathetic friend who usually walks with you. I've been fighting a tickle in my throat, the one that my kids have been hacking and coughing for weeks over. I finally had a good nights sleep after several not good ones. dave took the kids to school and i slept until 930ish. I then continued to lay in bed and read a whole book. :) Anyways, I'm glad for the long days too. Just as long as they won't be too hot. I've got to run off to a eye appt and then give my blood again to see if the shots are working. HOpe you have a great day. I'm so proud of Nat too and am so happy you all like her school. that's so important.


Laura Nicholas said...

Good for you - taking care of yourself is paying off. Sounds like Nat is doing awesome. She certainly is a good kid! ACMA is the perfect school for her.


PS is there a good day for coffee for you next week?

Katie Hacker said...

Yay for Natalie! And yay for you!