Saturday, April 26, 2008


The sun is shining! It's a miracle!

I'm wearing flip flops and capri pants!

And I slept in until 9:30am!! Unreal! Poor Nat was up at 7:00 because her room was so bright! Guess I better get her some curtains to cover her blinds.

Nat had a good day at the barn yesterday. They enjoyed their gallop up the big hill, and Memo got to munch on some green grass. Yum.

Jim took this pic awhile back but it shows the hill and how fun it is:

Can't tell you what it does for my mood to see the sun. It has been a looooong winter.

Keep your fingers crossed for my biz... got an inquiry from a midwest Quarter Horse group that wants to use my brushes for awards for a show!!!

Happy Spring... finally!! I wonder how long it will last.


Laura Nicholas said...

I am so happy to see the sun too. It is amazing what it does for a person's mood.

Love that picture of Nat! she looks like such a natural on a horse.

Enjoy the day!

Team Immel said...

i've got my eyes, fingers, toes, legs and heart crossed for you!

and ahhhhhhhhh...sunshine. gotta love it. love me some vitamin D.

love long, warm, lazy sunshiney days! they are the best!

maybe tonight calls for the BBQ????
