Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday Update

The countdown is on: Natalie has 4 days left of freedom.  She says she is not looking forward to school, but I know she will be happy to see her friends on Tuesday. I really think she does not want to give up her extra free time and those early mornings are a killer. She loves her school though, so I'm sure she will be just fine :) Her electives will be fun this year... she has Spanish, Concert Choir, Theatre 2, Ceramics 2, Book Arts and Music Theory. She will have 4 of those each semester, in addition to her core classes (Spanish and Choir go all year).

We are off to the barn for another lesson this morning. Elise is off to Canada to Spruce Meadows next week so we need to do a make-up. Afterwards, Natalie is working at the barn for Janice to earn some money for Nationals. So nice of Janice to do that. She gets to work with her bud Sarah so they will make the most of it. She will also work for awhile on Saturday.

Tomorrow night we are looking forward to going to a barbeque with our horsey friends. Always a good time. Other than that, we should have a quiet weekend. Lots to do around here.

So many friends going through difficult times right now. Please know that we love you and that you are in our thoughts. Big hugs to you all.



Team Immel said...

i don 't blame her for not being ready to give up sleeping in! i'm not ready either!!!

have fun at your BBQ. Thanks for playing with me for a bit yesterday. nice to get my paris fix.

have a great weekend.


Laura Nicholas said...

can you believe that school is going to start already? seems like we didn't even really have a summer break... I think my boys are actually excited though this year. I think it has to do with the new school. Enjoy the rest of your long weekend. Maybe we can meet up sometime soon for coffee.
