Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Banner Day

For starting out too dang early (4:45AM), it was a pretty good day!!

Natalie rode in the Lake Oswego Horse Trials, which means she did three events in one day: dressage, show jumping and cross country. As I have posted before, Memo is none too sure about being a cross-country pony but today she was awesome!

They started out with a very good dressage test. Memo didn't buck!! It's a miracle. They were in 3rd place after that.  Show jumping went well too... they had zero refusals! Nat's pace and lines were perfect! Kinda tricky because it had rained overnight and the grass was pretty slick.

The best part of the day... unbelievably... was cross country! They did it in a very fast time and had NO refusals!! It was a first for Nat and Memo!!! No big "E" as they call it in the eventing world, "E" standing for "elimination". It was all very exciting!! Memo was a little spooky at the beginning since a truck and trailer were leaving the grounds right next to them, but Nat was tough and made her keep going.

Amazingly, Nat and Memo took 2nd place in their division: Jr. Beginner Novice. So proud of them. They worked as a team, and really had a lot of fun.

Another really cool thing happened when Nat did some schooling rounds in show jumping at the Novice level. The judge pulled her aside after her rounds and told Nat that she had the best position she had seen all day. The judge also said she used to have an Arabian who loved to jump like Memo. Really made Nat's day!

Check out Jim's pics on his website listed in my links on the side.

Windsong Farm was well-represented at the show. Janice rode one of the fancy dressage horses on his first time out as an eventer and took 1st place in her division. Natalie's friends took home a 1st, a 4th and a 5th. Everyone did so well and had so much fun! They all work together as a team, too, which is so good to see. It was great having Nat's friend Hayley along for the day too.

Can't wait to hop in the shower. I smell like horse linament! EWWW!! TMI!

Now onto the Arabians in Motion show next week!! Bring it on!


Team Immel said...

so glad you had a fun and successful show! way to go memo and nat! woo hoo!

congrats dukes fam.

so great to see you at coffee today. sorry i had to skeedaddle early.


Laura Nicholas said...

that is fantastic! congrats Nat and Memo. I checked out Jim's pics. Those are great!

Best of luck now at the next show!
