Wednesday, August 6, 2008

CSA: Week 7

This week we have lettuce, the last of the blueberries, sweet onions, summer squash, cucumbers, fresh beans, sweet peppers, and garbanzo beans. Will hate to see the end of the blueberries. I made blueberry muffins the other night and Nat had 5 of them with her dinner ;) She had the last 3 for breakfast the next morning. Guess she liked them or something!!

Nat is really obsessed with that potato/leek soup. We made another batch of it yesterday for lunch and had leftovers today. It is the ultimate comfort food!

I had never seen fresh garbanzo beans! They come in little fuzzy pods. I saw some artichoke lemon hummus in the New Seasons (like Whole Foods) ad this week... think I will search for a recipe to make some. Sounds bueno!

Last night I made fresh green beans sauteed in butter with some crumbled bacon and gorgonzola cheese on top. Oh man. Too delicious. I also made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, but that is another post ;0 LOL Nothing from the CSA in those!!

Can't say enough good things about the CSA... will definitely sign up again next year. Everything has been so good and fresh. It has exposed us to new things. Has also stretched my cooking to new heights. I love that we still have a long way to go... can't wait for more goodies such as corn, tomatoes, apples, melons, pears... MMMM!!

Making GREAT progress on the brushes. Around 20 to go. Definitely on the home stretch. Didn't get much done today as we hauled horses to the Lake Oswego Hunt Club to school for cross country. Memo was a pretty good girl. Only refused one jump which is some kind of record for her ;) I also went to the cancer support group for friends/family. It has been so good for me, and I really love the interaction with others in the group. Have to say that it is so sad how many people are affected by cancer :(

Looking forward to our weekend, although it will be crazy busy. Nat has lots to do on Friday to get ready for Saturday's show... Memo needs a bath and we have to get all the tack cleaned and packed up. We will go back to Lake Oswego to walk the course Friday evening, then she is off to a birthday party. We will pick up her friend Hayley to spend the night, so she can wake up early with us and go along to the show. On Saturday night, Jim and I will go to a Georgian Low Country Boil at our friends' house. That will be a blast! Sunday we will be sleeping in, and I hope to finish up the brushes. Whew!

Prayers and thoughts going out to all who were affected by the plane crash in Gearhart. What a tragedy! Can't imagine. There are no words.


My name is Shanna said...

Phew, what a wild time you are having with cooking, brushes and horsie stuff! lol Talking with you while you are watching Memo and Nat is stressful and worrisome when I can't see what you can see! Not sure I will do that again. lol

Enjoy your weekend. I look forward to touching base next week.

xoxo, Shanna

Team Immel said...

you really have gotten alot out of that csa box stuff and it's amazing the stuff you come up with and create! it's nice that your family enjoys your creations and that they are adventurous! i can't say the same for mine.

sounds like you have your hands full for the weekend, good luck with the show and the brushes!
