Tuesday, August 26, 2008

CSA: Week 10

This week we should have lettuce, fresh beans, tomatoes, summer squash, cucumbers, sweet peppers, egg plant, new potatoes, and some kind of fruit.  Yum. Can't get enough of the fresh tomatoes. Really don't know how I survive without them the rest of the year. The taste is just so much better.

Could live on the new potatoes too. This week I will make some kind of potato salad. We are not big into the mayo/mustard kind of salad, but prefer a vinaigrette base. Jim's mom has a great recipe for a Greek potato salad, and I cut one of out the newspaper awhile back for a Blue Cheese Rosemary potato salad. Will definitely make one of those.

Anxious to see what kind of fruit we get. Last week we got a honeydew melon. I'm the only one around  here who will eat that. I thought it was great. Would be so great to get some peaches or blackberries though.

After I finish my tea and get a shower, we will head down to Woodburn to go to the outlet mall. Natalie has outgrown over half of her clothes and most of her shoes. Yikes! Her friend Madie will come along to help us do some school shopping. Will do just the bare minimum as we are saving our pennies for Idaho. A girl needs t-shirts, jeans and shoes though!! They have an Aero Postale outlet down there with really good deals. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Team Immel said...

what fun! i always loved school shopping as a kid. my kids would rather do anything but shop! we are going shopping for new cleats and underarmor though. lol have a great time. let's go play soon!
