Saturday, July 5, 2008

What a Day

Nat did her C1 rating for Pony Club today. There were good and bad things about the day.

Nat ended up getting three "exceeding standards" on her record book, formal inspection, and oral presentation on lameness. What a tough thing to do at the C level.

Memo was her usual spazzy self. She got in the arena and thought she was doing an upper level jumper show. She went whizzing through the jumps like the crazy chestnut mare that she is.

Unfortunately, Nat did not pass her C1 rating. She was in a tough spot. I talked to the examiners after the test, and convinced them to let her re-test at the end of the month as long as she rode a different horse. They all said that she was an amazing rider, but on Memo she was unable to perform the "C1 standards" that they wanted to see. They also told me that if she had ridden the "C1 Standards" that she probably would have been thrown from her horse.... that she did what she needed to do to ride her powerful horse. How she has to ride her horse and C1 standards do not mesh. Total bummer.

The other girls from our club testing for their D3 ratings did not pass either :( Only 2 girls passed all day... one from D3 and one from C1. Tough day for all.

We are completely exhausted. Up at 4:30AM after being up most of the night from the fireworks. 

I just finished half a bottle of wine. Feeling very frustrated. We love Memo but she is such a wild card. Ugh. Now to the task of finding another horse to ride ASAP... no clue.


Team Immel said...

bummer. i'm sorry that things didn't work out. what a crazy day!
hope you all get some sleep and feel better about things tomorrow.


My name is Shanna said...

What a great momma you are! I love that you went to bat for Nat and that she has another option for the end of the month. You will find a horse for her to ride, you are amazingly creative, my friend.

Fun to catch up on your blog. So often, I only have time to read Shauna's latest news, reply and go. Not tonight. :o) Now I need to get to bed though! lol

Have a lovely Sunday, girlie. Send my best to Nat and Jim too.


Laura Nicholas said...

ok - I don't understand a word you said.... lol Horsey talk!

I am proud of you - backing up Nat like that. She will do awesome next time.

Speaking of Nat - please tell her that my friend Kathy Jo received her bracelet yesterday. She loved it!!!! Thanks so much, Nat...

Have a good week.