Saturday, December 1, 2007

Blog Mania

So I've decided to join the blogging bandwagon! I'm such a novice at all this techie stuff.

I thought it would be a good idea to document my crazy life right now:
  • I have recently started a new online business and now I'm hitting the holiday rush!
  • We just became horse owners for the first time, after years of dealing with school ponies and leases. Memo is a wonderful addition to our family and Natalie is in horsey heaven!
  • One of my best friends has cancer and is starting her second round of chemo.
I also plan on sharing some of my husband Jim's fabulous photos.  He is an amazing dad, husband and photographer.

So hang on to your hat... here we go!!


Shauna said...

How come your blog looks so cool and cute and hip and techie and mine looks so dull, drab, blah and lame? Could it be that you are really a closet techie? LOL I should have had you set up my blog instead of my hubby! I'm glad you're my friend and I'm going to enjoy reading your blog! You do have a way with words! xoxox Shauna

Diane said...

Hi Paris...using your blog to say hello and how are you all? :)

Winter concert is this Sat at the mall again; 2 pm. Come if you can!

News...breeding Maizee in a week and you are welcome to see puppies after they are a month old. Hard to resist sweet puppy breath! Have a great holiday! Hugs, Diane, Maizee, Sammy, teddy