Sunday, November 30, 2008

Bah Humbug

Can't even believe that tomorrow is December. I'm in major denial. I want this long Thanksgiving weekend to last just a bit longer. I can't seem to get in the Christmas spirit at all. I'm going through the motions but my heart is not there. Picked up my Christmas cards, wrote my letter, have been making and buying a few gifts... can't seem to find the joy or fun in it. I could care less about putting up lights, decorations or a tree. Bah humbug. 

I need to snap out of it!! Any ideas?


Team Immel said...

ho ideas here. i am bah humbugging too. no money. no time. no life. it's quite sad. can we just cancel xmas? please?


Laura Nicholas said...

ok, girls - you and Shauna - we need to get something going under you both to get you out of this and into the spirit. Paris - when you are up to it again and Shauna is feeling better too - we may just have to do a crop day or something. Make some Christmas cards.

Hugs - Laura

Anonymous said...

Sometimes it feels right to wallow in misery...but a some point you need to look away and see just how blessed we are. I was feeling pretty Bah Humbug as well (mostly because I am usually done with the "shoulds" of the season by Thanksgiving and I can just focus on great stuff of the season by now). Not going to happen this year. BUT... I read the story about the WalMart employee who was trampled to death by Black Friday shoppers and it tweeked me into the right mood. I am sad to be part of a species that could do such a thing "just to get a few bucks off " on a Christmas present, but at the same time feel that is exactly why we need to bring on the spirit of giving in its purest form. Bring back humanity as it were. I don't know if that helps you any but I feel it has focused my energy and heart into being the best human I can. Balance the universe, spread some love here and there. So enjoy the moments that are good and wonderful and right...Love ya, Robanne

My name is Shanna said...

Okay, knock it off! Stop the humbug stuff. You made a beautiful and accurate list of all of the things you are thankful for, so take the next 4 weeks and celebrate them. Commit to think about your family, friends and blessings as you do what you can for Christmas.

We are surrounded by negativity and it is SO easy to get down. I really get it, I do. I am unemployed, was laid off 2 weeks ago. I have no prospects and am finding that for every job I find, there are 20 others that want and need it as much as I do. Well, I have committed to remembering that the holidays are not about things or money... Christmas is about Jesus, and the holidays are a time where I have the privilege to see many, many people that I would not normally see and the intent is to be in the spirit of celebration. So, I say we celebrate!

Every time you have the opportunity to hug someone that you love, remember that it was the gift that you needed most. I lost my friend, Darlene, on Nov. 24th. There will be no hug for or from her this year. So instead, I will hug and hold her children and grandchildren a little longer. I will be grateful to be here to do so.

I hope what I said helps. I don't want to sound mean, I just know that I needed to be reminded of what is important and thought it might help if I did the same for you. I love you, am grateful for you, and am blessed this season and all year long to have you in my life.
