Friday, November 21, 2008

He's Famous

You can see my sweetie twice in this video. 

This summer, Jim did a dual-sport ride up in Shelton, Washington which is on the Olympic Peninsula. He is the guy styling on the black and gold BMW and the white and gray riding gear. Looking quite handsome if I do say so. He is towards the beginning in a water crossing and at the end saying that he had a great time.

Waiting to hear how Memo faired the night. Elise and Janice offered to take the night shift again. Bless them.  I got home about 8:30ish last night. Memo shows glimpses of feeling better, and then does something that makes us worry again. Breaks my heart.

I am heading out to McMinnville (hour drive?) to get a special supplement for Memo, and then I will be back to the barn to meet the vet. I hope it is not another cold, long day at the barn. My asthma is really bothering me... my chest feels really tight and full. My nose is running and my eyes are red and puffy. Allergies suck.

Keeping fingers crossed that we get a quiet, uneventful weekend.


Laura Nicholas said...

too funny - I could pick out Jim on the video even with all the gear on! Motorcycle wives.... :)

sounds like life is busy for you too lately. would love to meet for coffee sometime soon!


Laura Nicholas said...

I am so sorry to hear about memo. I hope that she will be ok.. Keeping you all in my thoughts.
