Saturday, December 13, 2008

Good Mail Day

Not only did we get a fresh batch of Christmas cards from friends and family, Natalie received two really cool letters from the United States Equestrian Federation!

She and Memo have won two Region 4 Championships for 2008:

Farnam/Platform USEF Horse of the Year, Region 4 Champion, Arabian Specialty Horse

Farnam/Platform USEF Horse of the Year, Region 4 Champion, Arabian Hunter Jumper

She will be getting some awards in January, and their photos will be in Equestrian magazine in March! Very exciting news at the Dukes house!! We are so proud of Nat and Memo!!

In other news, I'm feeling better every day. In major catch-up mode!! So much to do around here. I've been buried in laundry, housework and the holidays. Today I spent the majority of time in the kitchen making lots of goodies: candy cane hearts, fudge, Mexican Wedding Cookies, Chocolate Caramel Bars and Peppermint Chocolate cookies. Whew!

We are hoping for the snowflakes to start falling any minute here in Oregon... keep your fingers crossed. Another day or two at home would be a dream come true for me ;) Not looking forward to the Arctic blast of cold air to go with it. Hope our warm-weather-loving pony survives okay.

Off to hang up some Christmas lights around the house...


Laura Nicholas said...

congrats to Nat and Memo! That is fantastic!!!! way to go girls....

We are watching the snow and so hoping for a big pile of it... I love snow days.

PS So glad you are feeling better.

Team Immel said...

wow! that's some impressive news! woo hoo! you go nat! and memo! you must be so proud. good for all of you.

enjoy the time at home. bake away!!!

ali said...

Congrats to Nat and Memo! How exciting and amazing! Sooo cool! I'm glad you are feeling better too!