Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cookie-Makin' Fool

What to do during a big snow storm?? Why, bake cookies of course!! And lots of 'em!

Here are our new favorites:

Chocolate Thumbprints with Chocolate Vanilla Ganache. OMG are they delicious!! Crunchy and sugary on the outside, soft in the inside. And the ganache... what a treat!! To die for. I had extra ganache so we were dipping the cookies in that before eating them ;)

I used this recipe but changed the ganache a bit. I used a teaspoon of real vanilla extract instead of the vanilla bean. Instead of using the food processor, I chopped up the chocolate and put it in a glass bowl. I dumped the warm cream mixture on top and let the chocolate soften a bit. Then I whisked it until smooth, adding the butter to it. Make sure you let the ganache set a bit before adding to the cookies so it won't be runny and messy.

On top of all of the snow we got yesterday is a thick layer of ice. Just a mess out there so it looks like another day at home. The entire Portland area is just shut down. Don't think I will be baking much though... I'm down to two eggs!! Darn!!

I also deep cleaned my (s)crap room/studio yesterday. What a mess it was. Seems like it is the room where everything gets piled up. I went through boxes of stuff that had been there since we moved in. It looks pretty darn good right now. Still more to do. Maybe I will do that this afternoon.

Nat is missing Memo something terrible. Feel so bad we cannot get up there. She was supposed to work at the barn this afternoon too. Windsong is on the top of Chehalem Mountain with a very steep driveway. They always get a ton of snow and ice. Thank goodness Janice and her family live up there so they are able to take care of everything. Not easy for them in this weather. I sure do feel bad for them.

Hope everyone stays warm and cozy today!!

1 comment:

Team Immel said...

omg those things look like they are straight out of a cookbook or martha mag!! great looking cookies and great looking photo you foodie!! (show off!!) you have been so productive over this snowed in break! i am so impressed and jealsous! i am such a loser when compared with you! stop it!!! love ya and miss ya and hope we get to get out of this white stuff soon. i'm done. thanks!!!