At riding on Monday, it was really starting to bother her but it did not really slow her down much. Elise had her riding with really short "jockey" stirrups to work on something or other. Being the non-horse person that I am, I really don't remember why. It didn't look fun or easy though ;) She complained a little bit afterward, but not that much.
At her lesson with Janice on Tuesday, it was really starting to hurt. It was keeping her from doing the things she needed to do for the lesson. Hmmm. We pulled her boot off after her lesson and Janice wrapped it with "vet wrap" used on horses. It was a little swollen and bruised.
So this week, she has been wrapping her foot with vet wrap, icing it, and hobbling around with a limp. Last night, she hardly slept a wink. The pain was really throbbing and there were shooting pains up her leg! Not good.
So being the cautious mom that I am, I took her to the doc today. She felt around and thought that the pain and tenderness warranted doing an x-ray. Off we went to radiology. No breaks or fractures. Just a bad sprain. She will have to continue to wrap and ice it. The doctor also recommended some exercises she can do. But the bad news...
How on earth will Nat survive that??!! ;) This from the girl who rides 5-6 days per week. Not looking forward to seeing the withdrawals that come from that!! Hopefully she will get to practice her lunging skills. She will be a happy camper when her ankle is healed and she is back in the saddle. If it doesn't heal, she might be looking at some physical therapy down the road.
Still not sure why or how this happened. There was not really a single action that seemed to make it happen. Very odd. The doctor mentioned something about a repetitive motion type injury. Might have just pushed the ankle to its limits riding lately? Anyway, hope it heals quickly. Hate to keep the girl from her horse :)