Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I just got a call from the scrapbook store in Sherwood... they have a gift certificate for $108 waiting for me! Woo hoo! I sold almost all the stuff I brought in for their garage sale. Now I can go stock up on adhesive, Bazzill cardstock, and horsey stuff for Nat's album. How fun will that be?

Had a good day. Worked a bit more on Shauna's room... it is really starting to come together. Shauna's friend Cathy is really great... we are totally on the same page as far as decorating the room goes. We both have daughters named Natalie and both love to bake when we are stressed! Very cool.

Nat and I hit Trader Joe's after school. I love that store. Stocked up on lots of goodies for Jim and Nat to have while I am in Reno. They have such good prices and fun stuff! Great prices on wine, too! Some of my TJ's faves include artichoke jalapeno dip, pita chips, black bean dip, organic tortilla chips, par-baked ciabatta bread, handmade tortillas, real maple syrup, dried fruits, nuts, cheeses, high quality meats and produce, frozen meatballs, chocolate ganache torte cake, the three pack of chocolate bars, the big 1 1/2 pound chocolate bars (for baking), pomegranate white tea, crab cakes, frozen mac and cheese, little frozen cubes of herbs and garlic, and did I mention wine?? lol There are so many other things I could list. 

Tonight I am working on an ad for Horse Illustrated magazine. It is a national mag and will probably be a one-time shot (too much $$). They are doing an article on grooming so it seemed like a good idea to advertise in that issue. I am also trying to figure out Adobe Illustrator well enough so I can create a logo for my father-in-law's new business. Have lots of ideas in my head but need to get them into the computer somehow!

Another good thing that is happening... more snow! Just the most beautiful, huge flakes falling. Love it.


Team Immel said...

score is right! wow! you'll have to tell me how much i made! hoepfully it was worth it.

sounds like you had a great day. all those goodies you listed sound awfully good to me.

miss you. can't wait to see you. wish you were hanging out with shanna and i.


Laura Nicholas said...

weird - my first comment didn't show up.

Ok, so here goes again... lol

So cool on the garage sale. That is awesome. I need to do that again myself. Where does all this stuff come from anyway?

And as for the baking - get stressed girl and bake something for me. lol Really just kidding. Your trip to TJ's made me hungry....


My name is Shanna said...

Wooo hooo! Bring on the store credit for more supplies. I love buying supplies!! Don't care so much for scrapping, but love shopping!! lol

Shauna and I have decided that you and Laura need to be here to round out our "Sex and the City" scenario. Can you imagine if the 4 of us were all together in one room, in Reno no less! Lordy!!

Miss you. Thanks for the hugs you sent today.
