Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pioneer Woman

For my daily dose of laughter and for just a darn good read, I visit the pioneer woman's blog daily. Ree (also known as P-Dub) also has a cooking blog and the link is on the left side in my list of links. 

She is a great photographer and has the most amazing shots of the wild mustangs that live on their ranch.... and the captioning and stories that goes with them is a crack-up. I just love the way that woman thinks. Must be my midwest upbringing.

On her cooking blog, she takes photos of each step of a recipe. Just makes your mouth water looking at them! The food is really nothing fancy... but lots of good comfort food with regular old ingredients.

I just pulled her chocolate sheet cake out of the oven. Oh man does the house smell good. Don't even ask how much cocoa powder or butter is in the recipe. Just look the other way. Sometimes a girl just needs chocolate and lots of it... and I do.

I also recommend her blackberry cobbler. That was a hit this summer during berry season. 

Off to dig into that cake... bad girl that I am.

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